Energy Shifters – Four Simple Methods

In this article, we will see some of the “energy shifters” which I have been using in various instants of Life. I have read these in books or got to know about these from friends. If you keep practicing it and master this, it will have a huge impact in your life and you will be easily shifting your energy from low(negative) to high(Positive).

We all know everything in this universe is energy. You are holding your mobile or tablet and reading this article right now. Your mobile is a form of energy. Every energy has its own frequency level.  If you want to be happy and get rid of all those negative situation, toxic people issues, fear or your own “demon” thoughts. Your body and soul should be vibrating higher than those negative things.

So, how do you make the vibration above those low level? These shifters will help you to instantly shift you from the low to high or in other words, from negative to positive in few minutes. I have listed few here, you can customize these based on your necessity.


  1. Above method: This method helps us whenever our mind is pulling us to focus “only” on the issues. For example, you want to buy some vegetables and walking towards the market. You almost reached the market then realize you have left your wallet at home. You have walked for more than 2 kilometers and your mind becomes tired now to go back and get the wallet. The moment your mind becomes tired, your entire body becomes tired and you feel like you are lost. Now, you should think “Above”. You should speak to your mind like this “I am above this situation, I am above the tiredness and pain. I am going back home and get that wallet and come back briskly than before and get that veggie waiting for me at the market” If you keep telling this few times, your brain receives this positive signal and got up like a horse! Now, you are ABOVE the issue. Now your body is above the pain and tiredness. Now you are the master of this situation and going back home like a king with your heads up.

You can use this method in any situation, especially when you are in fear or in doubt use this method and shift the energy. You will get remarkable results.


  1. Pause method: This method helps you if your anger level is at its height. How one can get angry easily? If you cannot control the external factors/people your mind is unable to “accept” it and your energy becomes anger. It is that simple, if you know the basic universal truth that anger causes you more damage than the others then you will not allow this worst emotion into you. But we all living in a world where we are inter-connected with relationships, people, and other external factors. It is easy to get angry over one another. This method is quite simple. If you get hypertension and about to let your words out, just “pause” for a moment. It will be tough during the initial days, but if you think of this formula it will be very easy. From today onwards, Anger = Hell. Pause = Heaven. Your Peacefulness = (Heaven(Hell)) . It means, whenever you “pause” for few moments, your energy is shifting from hell to heaven. And in few minutes your anger level comes down and your soul will be marching towards peacefulness. So now, hell(Anger) is under the control of heaven(Pause).  All the great people walked on this planet are known for their anger mastering techniques. You might be born as a normal person, it is up to you to become great and leave your legacy or die as a poor soul.  Having anger in your soul will ultimately kill your beautiful soul. So, pause 🙂

3.Scribbling Method: Are you worried too much about any of your desires? Or Are you anxious about any of your dreams? Or your inner being boils for something? Or you are about to outburst like a Volcano on someone? Do this:  take a piece of paper and have a pen/pencil. Start scribbling until your anger/worry/anxiety goes out of your mind. Within few seconds following things will happen.  A) You will feel ease B) Your heartbeat becomes normal C) Your mind will be relaxed.  So what is happening here? By scribbling on a paper, our blocked energy gets out and it flows out of the uncomforting zone. Imagine a stream flows freely without a rock on its way.  After few minutes, take out the paper you scribbled and feel how much negativity (those scribbles) you have let it out of your mind. Say thanks to God/Universe and throw it in the bin. Now your negative energy has been transferred from you to that paper. Your mind is like a clean slate now.

4. LTG Method: Are you unsure what to do next? Do you have multiple unanswered questions popping up in your mind all the time? Are you stuck in something? You need a guide but don’t know where to find the guide? “Letter to God” method is the best. I learned this method recently from a magical friend and this one I would say, one of the best methods to get what you want. Write a letter to God. Few people might think what this crazy thing is! Let them think that way, we are here for new ways of positive and happy life, not for their own craziness :). So, write a letter to God and ask the guidance you need to move forward. A sample letter: “Dear God, I am so happy and grateful that you have given me everything I need. I need your guidance in my statistics exam, which is always a tough thing for me. Always I get low marks in this subject and I need your help to get over it. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I always believe in you. Please guide me and I will write a thank you letter soon to you. Thank you, my dear God, you are the light of my darkness”. Read this letter for few days, you will get wonderful results in a short span of time. Read it with emotion. Feel it. Once you write and read this letter, your uncertain energy will shift into belief energy. Believe. Your wish is the command for God/Universe.

I hope these methods will help you to shape up your energy into a good one. Have a wonderful morning with lots of happiness and fun. Have a superb day ahead 🙂


Rajesh Vairapandian.


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